
The Belgian Cancer Registry (BCR) undertakes research to map both the number of cancers and their impact on people and society. In this way, BCR helps to find answers to the most relevant and urgent scientific questions in cancer research.

Our research is underpinned by our unique databases of national data on cancer diagnoses and screening. In addition, BCR researchers are able to further enrich these data, if necessary, with the permission of the Informatieveiligheidscomité (IVC) (Information Security Committee), with administrative population data including mortality statistics, reimbursement data from insurance institutions, and minimum hospital data such as length of stay and admission dates, nursing unit code, etc.

More information on current and past research projects can be found below. Filters can be applied based on the following research domains

COVID-19 and cancer: assessing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting changes in the organisation of healthcare for cancer patients.

Cancer clusters: developing systematic cancer surveillance and detecting clusters in Flanders in relation to early detection of environment-related health damage, etc.

Cancer screening: monitoring and evaluating existing population screening programmes and scientific support for current and future population screening programmes. More information on screening and ongoing population screening can be found here.

Classical epidemiology: describing and updating both the incidence, prevalence and survival of cancer in Belgium, and possible influencing factors.

Quality of life: assessing and implementing patient-reported outcomes and experiences based on Patient-Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) and Patient-Reported Experience Measures (PREMs).

Quality of care: selecting and calculating relevant indicators for care process and outcome with a focus on the approach to diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up of cancer patients. Feedback is provided to hospitals, governments, government agencies and citizens.

Methodological innovation: developing and implementing new methodologies to obtain a more detailed description of cancer incidence within a population and of cancer survival.

Inequalities: studying the association between socio-economic and sociodemographic parameters and cancer.

Improvement of registration data: continually improving the quality and completeness of cancer registration data.

Centralisation of care for patients with head and neck cancer

In collaboration with the Rijksinstituut voor Ziekte- en Invaliditeitsverzekering (RIZIV) (National Institute for Health and Disability…

Optimised decision tree for better use of radiotherapy in lung cancer

In collaboration with the European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology (ESTRO), the Belgian Cancer Registry (BCR) is investigating the…

Optimising breast cancer screening: informed decisions about its advantages and disadvantages

BCR collaborated on a doctorate, supervised by the University of Groningen and the University of Antwerp, that evaluated different aspects…

The impact of COVID-19 on the diagnosis, care pathway and survival of cancer patients in Belgium

Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Belgian Cancer Registry (BCR) has closely followed its impact on cancer patients. Not only…

Quality indicators for the management of lung cancer in Flanders

The Belgian Cancer Registry (BCR) is collaborating with the Vlaams Instituut voor Kwaliteit van Zorg (VIKZ) (Flemish Institute for Quality…

Quality indicators for breast cancer management in Belgium

In collaboration with the Federaal Kenniscentrum voor de Gezondheidszorg (KCG) (Knowledge Centre for Health) and the Vlaams Instituut voor…

Evaluation of the Flemish population screening for colorectal cancer

Under the guidance of the University of Antwerp, the Centrum voor Kankeropsporing (CvKO) (Flemish Centre for Cancer Screening) and the…

Recent evolution in time of incidence of colorectal lesions in 45–49-year-olds in Flanders

At the request of the Flemish working group on Bevolkingsonderzoek Dikkedarmkanker (Population Screening for Colorectal Cancer), the…

Quality indicators for the management of glioma in Belgium

As part of a doctoral study at Ghent University, the Belgian Cancer Registry (BCR) is mapping the quality of care for glioma patients in…

Cervical cancer screening based on self-collection of first urine fraction in order to reach screening non-responders in Flanders

Under the coordination of the University of Antwerp, and in collaboration with Sciensano and the Centrum voor Kankeropsporing (CvKO) …

Effectiveness of GPs offering a self-collection kit to reach women missed in the Vlaams Bevolkingsonderzoek Baarmoederhalskanker compared to sending letters about screening

Under the coordination of Ghent University, the Belgian Cancer Registry (BCR) is working with Flemish academic general practitioner centres…

Implementation and follow-up of Patient-Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) and Patient-Reported Experience Measures (PREMs) for lung and rectal cancer in Flanders

With the financial support of Kom op tegen Kanker (Stand up to Cancer), the Belgian Cancer Registry (BCR) started an implementation study…

Excess hazard due to cancer in Belgium

The risk of death from cancer (excess hazard) varies significantly with survival time, age and tumour stage at diagnosis. With financial…

Quality indicators for the management of patients with sarcoma in Belgium

With financial support from Stichting tegen Kanker (Foundation against Cancer), the Belgian Cancer Registry (BCR) is evaluating the quality…

Effect of participation in the Vlaams Bevolkingsonderzoek Borstkanker on breast cancer-specific mortality

In 2021, the Belgian Cancer Registry (BCR) conducted a study to investigate the effect of participation in the Vlaams Bevolkingsonderzoek…

Quality indicators for the management of ovarian cancer in Belgium

In collaboration with the Federaal Kenniscentrum voor de Gezondheidszorg (KCG) (Knowledge Centre for Health), the Belgian Cancer Registry …

Impact of COVID-19 on breast cancer diagnosis and treatment

With financial support from Pink Ribbon, Belgian Cancer Registry (BCR) in collaboration with breast cancer experts evaluated the impact of…