
: Happy 2025!

: Belgian Cancer Registry (BCR) releases latest data on cancer diagnoses for 2022 and incidence estimates for 2023

More information on the new data for the incidence year 2022, including age-standardised incidence, distribution by stage and survival, can…

: What will you find on our new website?

Belgian Cancer Registry (BCR) is proud to announce the launch of its new website. Explore the different sections of our website to learn…

: Belgian Cancer Registry (BCR) publishes first study on tumours of the brain and central nervous system in adults: Insights into diagnosis, behaviour and survival rates

Belgian Cancer Registry (BCR) has released its first publication focusing on primary brain tumours and other tumours of the central nervous…

: Publication reveals hopeful progress in fight against childhood cancer in Belgium: 17 years of data analysed

Collaboration between Belgian Cancer Registry (BCR) and the Belgian Society of Paediatric Haematology (BSPHO) has led to important insights…

: Elderly benefit most from improved survival rates for blood cancer patients in Belgium

: Survival rates of patients with bone or soft tissue tumours increase in people over 40

: About 2,700 missing cancer diagnoses in the first two years of the COVID-19 pandemic in Belgium.

: Catch-up of missing diagnoses by COVID-19 seems to be stagnating

: 4,000 fewer cancer diagnoses than normal in Belgium in 2020 because of the COVID-19 pandemic, but catch-up is hopeful

: Sustained improvement in survival of patients with haematological malignancies in Belgium

: An estimated 5,000 expected cancer diagnoses not yet made because of the COVID-19 pandemic

: Due the COVID-19 crisis sharp drop in new cancer diagnoses in April

: Survival rates for cancer patients have been rising faster in recent years than before

: Survival rates of children with cancer continue to rise

: Half of cancers in Belgium affect people over 70

: First large-scale study on quality of life after cancer

: By 2025, the risk of cancer is almost as high in women as in men

: Prevalence of cancer: first figures available for Belgium

: The Belgian Cancer Registry publishes cancer survival figures for the first time in Belgium