This webpage lists all the publications written or contributed to by BCR. The following filters will help you conduct a targeted search:
Domain: use this filter to conduct a targeted search on a specific research domain. For example, publications on population screening can be found under the ‘cancer screening’ option. Type of cancer: use this filter to conduct a targeted search for publications on a specific cancer type. The ‘general’ option applies to publications containing cancer registration data for all cancer types. The ‘none’ option applies to publications that are not about a specific cancer type. Publications specifically about paediatrics can be found using the ‘paediatrics’ option. Publication year: use this filter to conduct a targeted search for publications published in a specific year. Publication language: This filter indicates which language the publication was published in. Publication type: use this filter to conduct a targeted search for a specific publication type. The ‘Peer reviewed article’ option gives an overview of all scientific articles published in a scientific journal after peer review. The ‘BCR publication’ option returns our well-known publications on cancer incidence, cancer prevalence, cancer survival and cancer burden.