Optimising breast cancer screening: informed decisions about its advantages and disadvantages

BCR collaborated on a doctorate, supervised by the University of Groningen and the University of Antwerp, that evaluated different aspects of the Vlaams Bevolkingsonderzoek Borstkanker (Flemish Breast Cancer Screening Programme), with particular focus on informed decisions about the advantages and disadvantages of breast cancer screening. The doctoral research was carried out in cooperation with the Flemish government, the Centrum voor Kankeropsporing (CvKO) (Flemish Centre for Cancer Screening) and the Belgian Cancer Registry (BCR).

This cooperation enabled BCR to contribute to a more thorough understanding of aspects of participation in, overdiagnosis from, and effectiveness of population screening.

The doctoral researcher answered the various research questions using data from multiple data sources. After approval by the Informatieveiligheidscomité (IVC) (Information Security Committee), data from CvKO, BCR, the Agence InterMutualiste (AIM) (the agency responsible for collating data from Belgium’s seven health insurance funds), Statbel (the Belgian statistical office) and the Crossroads Bank for Social Security (CBSS) were linked. Applicable statistical models were used to analyse the data.

The researcher defended the doctoral thesis at the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. The results were published in scientific journals and presented to the Flemish working group on Bevolkingsonderzoek Borstkanker (Breast Cancer Screening).
Cancer screening