In collaboration with the Federaal Kenniscentrum voor de Gezondheidszorg (KCG) (Knowledge Centre for Health) and the Vlaams Instituut voor Kwaliteit van Zorg (VIKZ) (Flemish Institute for Quality of Care) the Belgian Cancer Registry (BCR) is evaluating the quality of care and outcomes for patients with a breast cancer diagnosis (invasive or ductal carcinoma in situ) who were treated between 2014 and 2018 in an accredited coordinating breast clinic, a satellite breast clinic or a non-accredited breast clinic in Belgium.
The project aims to evaluate the quality of care for breast cancer patients using several process indicators, at both diagnosis and treatment. In addition, a number of outcome indicators are also calculated – to reflect the distribution of care, these are calculated not only at a national level, but also by hospital and campus.
The quality indicators were selected and developed in collaboration with KCE, VIKZ and a group of clinical experts based on guidelines from the European Society of Breast Cancer Specialists (EUSOMA) and other international reports. For the calculation, BCR uses cancer registration data and data on reimbursed medical benefits and medication obtained by the Agence InterMutualiste (AIM) (the agency responsible for collating data from Belgium’s seven health insurance funds). The results were submitted to all Belgian hospitals for validation, and the methodology could be optimised.
The results of this study are published in the KCE-Rapport 365C and in the form of scientific publications. In addition, each hospital receives an individual feedback report from BCR to encourage self-reflection and improvement of care.
The project aims to evaluate the quality of care for breast cancer patients using several process indicators, at both diagnosis and treatment. In addition, a number of outcome indicators are also calculated – to reflect the distribution of care, these are calculated not only at a national level, but also by hospital and campus.
The quality indicators were selected and developed in collaboration with KCE, VIKZ and a group of clinical experts based on guidelines from the European Society of Breast Cancer Specialists (EUSOMA) and other international reports. For the calculation, BCR uses cancer registration data and data on reimbursed medical benefits and medication obtained by the Agence InterMutualiste (AIM) (the agency responsible for collating data from Belgium’s seven health insurance funds). The results were submitted to all Belgian hospitals for validation, and the methodology could be optimised.
The results of this study are published in the KCE-Rapport 365C and in the form of scientific publications. In addition, each hospital receives an individual feedback report from BCR to encourage self-reflection and improvement of care.
Quality of care