Stem cell transplants in Belgium (BTR)

Project acroniem
For many severe malignant (>95%) and benign (<5%) haematological disorders, stem cell transplantation is the most appropriate treatment. As part of this treatment, patients receive their own stem cells (autologous) or stem cells from a donor (allogeneic) to replace affected bone marrow. Data on transplants performed are registered by all European centres in a central database managed by the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (EBMT). In Belgium, 22 accredited transplant centres are part of EBMT.

The Belgian Transplant Registry (BTR) extracts the Belgian transplant data from the central EBMT database with the aim of evaluating the quality of Belgian transplant centres and answering multifaceted, relevant research questions.

Financial support and partners
This registration project is an initiative of the Belgian Haematological Society (BHS) and was launched partly thanks to the financial support of Stichting Tegen Kanker (Foundation against Cancer).

For more information about this registration project, contact