Cancer Incidence in Belgium, 2010. Special issue: Cancer in Children and Adolescents

Belgian Cancer Registry
Publication date
The publication 'Cancer Incidence in Belgium, 2010. Special issue: Cancer in Children and Adolescents' is the result of a fruitful collaboration between the Belgian Cancer Registry (BCR) and the Belgian Society of Paediatric Haematology (BSPHO).

With the introduction of Minister Onkelinx’s cancer plan in 2008, initiatives were taken to create a national coordination unit for clinical and scientific research in paediatric haemato-oncology under the umbrella of the BSPHO. The creation of this national unit promoted the formation of a complementary paediatric cancer registration network involving all eight Belgian paediatric haemato-oncology centres, in addition to the classical cancer registration including pathology and clinical registration pathways.

Specific data were collected from the incidence year 2004. Incidence and survival data for children and adolescents are presented for Belgium (5 years) and Flanders (10 years).