Data request

Afbeelding data op aanvraag

The Belgian Cancer Registry (BCR) receives numerous requests for information or specific data every year. Due to the sensitive nature of these data, BCR has to apply strict standards and procedures when releasing them. Regardless of whether the information or specific data are intended for the general public, public authorities, researchers, media or pharmaceutical companies, they must always comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other national legislation.

If you have a specific question that cannot be answered through our publications or drawing module graphs and tables, you can find more information about receiving a specific dataset on this page. The cancer diagnosis and screening data that BCR collects as part of its statutory remit can be requested by organisations for the purpose of policy support or research. 

How does it work? 

(1) You are a non-profit organisation (e.g. a university or hospital) requesting data for a research project:

Pseudonymised BCR data will only be made available to PhD and doctorate students, postdoctoral researchers, medical specialists or healthcare providers. 

Formal requests for the release of a specific dataset can be made by email to Please give a description of the requested data and clearly explain the context in which the data will be used.  

All requests will be discussed on a case-by-case basis after an initial online conversation to assess whether the inquirer’s needs can be met with anonymised, aggregated or encrypted data.

(2) U bent een profit organisatie die gegevens opvraagt:

If you are a for-profit organisation, please use the BCR data request form for for-profit organisations to send your request to By analogy with other cancer registries in Europe, BCR applies a reduced fee for making data available to for-profit organisations. Additional information on this procedure can be found in the BCR Code for data requests of for-profit organizations.